Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Softly / Softly – The tenderness of too much pain

The legendary South African bard Don Mattera a.k.a. Bra Zinga a.k.a. Bra Don a.k.a. Uncle Don, wrote the following poem:

Azanian Love Song

Pg 91


Cry softly my love

As we burn in the storm

Love is sweet,


We are the debris,

The litter

The storm abates

Fire cleanses the soul

Wanderers in the wind

Tomorrow belongs to us

I wrote:

Softly - The tenderness of too much pain

Be easy baby

Jo'burg is an unfeeling place

We have each other,


We are it's character

Our hustle & struggle unspoken

Egoli, The city of gold will heal all

Ponte lights the way

Lost souls in purgatory

We are the masters of our destiny

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Do It Differently!

"Instead of wallowing in my misery, I just made some changes." - Stephanie Mills

You can do something the same way for so long that you begin to do it without thinking. When you are not thinking about what you are doing, you may not recognize its effects - positive or negative. Very often, the habit of doing a certain thing in a certain way robs you of new experiences. In order to learn to grow and be happy, you must always seek the new.

Take a new route to work today.

Eat lunch in a new environment.

Speak to someone before they speak to you, or let them speak first if you are normally the initiator.

Listen to the radio instead of watching television.

Instead of listening to your regular radio station change it to something completely different.

Take a bath in the morning instead of at night.

Take a shower instead of a bath.

Walk up the stairs instead of taking the escalator of elevator.

Listen to your surrounding instead of trying to tune it out with music, the radio or television.

Enjoy your environment!

Walk barefoot in your house. Walk on the grass barefoot.

Be conscious of what you do and how you do it!

Be open to happy new experiences!

Be Ready to be surprised!

Today's Insight:

Today I Am willing to do it differently.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Be Ready!

"One never knows what each day is going to bring. The important thing is to be ready for it." - Henry Moore.

Are you ready for the blessings awaiting you today?

Have you prepared for the abundance the universe has prepared for you this day?

All you need to do to accept these free gifts is open yourself up to them. Open yourself up to being more conscious of your actions, and surroundings, that way you will be able to recognize your daily blessing and fully accept and redistribute the abundance you receive.

Be ready to have a blessed and abundant day!

Today's Insight:

Today I am ready and open to accept the blessings and abundance the universe has to offer.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Making Sense…

I say a little prayer for you...


We live in a time where many of us have lost faith or perhaps just misplaced it. What happened to the practice of saying a prayer every morning when we woke up and every evening when we went to bed? What happened to saying a prayer for our loved ones, our spouses, our parents, children, friends, neighbours, the sick and the needy, world peace? Don't get it twisted, I'm not saying we should all go out and become über devout members of whatever belief system we follow, all I am asking for is that we go back to a time when faith in a higher being came standard, was unquestioned and was almost second nature. A time when we were not tainted by the fast paced self absorbed lives we live.


We take an interest in the well being of our business partners, colleges and Bosses, because at the end of the day, it directly affects our pockets, right. Well the well being of our life partners is far more important; they are after all the person we go home to after a long, hard day at the office. They are the ones who pick up the slack when we are not around. Who take care of us when we are ill and who we are going to share our old age with.


So in the interest of everything that is great about having a wife, I would like to share this little prayer that I say regularly for my wife and our marriage, with you.


Dear [insert the name of your Deity]...


Bless my marriage today.

Bless me and my wife/husband with a clear vision of Your purpose for our union.

Bless us by ordering our steps.

Bless our prayers for each other.

Bless us with safety from all harm.

Bless us with a peaceful and loving home.

Bless us with hearts that are open and filled with gentle compassion for each other.

Bless us so that we will remember to compliment and encourage each other.

Bless us with strength from the inside that spills forth to the outside so that no weapon can be forged against or within us.

Bless my wife/husband in everything that s/he does this day.

Bless her/his thoughts, words and deeds in every situation and under all circumstances.

Bless and fill my wife's/husband's heart with overwhelming peace and joy.

Hear her/his every concern and bring every appropriate solution to her/his mind clearly and gently.

Bless me with patience so that I may be a more tolerant partner.

Bless me to know and to see only things that really matter and to surrender all habits of thought or speech that breed discord.

Bless our finances today. Remind us to see our resources wisely and to give of our first fruits to You.

Bless us so that we will cooperate with each other.

Bless us so that we will see the goodness of Your presence in each other.

Bless us with kind thoughts of each other that spill forth from our mouths as kind words.

Bless us to know when to speak up and when to listen.

Bless us to hear with our hearts, not our hurts.

Bless our marriage to be a breeding place for Your presence and Your love.

Dear [insert the name of your Deity], I invite You into the centre of my marriage so that it may grow to be all that You created it to be.

For the Blessings of Your peaceful, loving presence in the centre of my marriage, I am so grateful.


Let it be so!

And So It Is!

...prayer by Iyanla Vanzant, from her book - Every day I Pray


Today's Insight:

            Today I will take 5 minutes out of my day to say a little prayer for the love(s) of and in my life...

About Me

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Who i am is not important in the greater scheme of the U-N-I-Verse. One of the many things that is wrong with the world today, is that we (individuals) take ourselves to seriously and therefore think to much of ourselves (as individuals). Emphasis should be put on the Collective Purpose of our existance and the attainment of the Greater Good. Our individual roles and responsibilities in achiving that Purpose should be our quest and once we know what that is, we should devote ouselves completely to achieving that Purpose and doing that Good.